What is the NDIS?

The Laundry Lady is an NDIS registered provider. This means we can provide our services to Australians who have permanent and significant disability, through the Government NDIS program. 

NDIS supports list updated 3 October, 2024


Supports that provide assistance with essential household tasks that a participant is not able to do themselves because of their disability. This includes cleaning and laundry.

NDIS approved supports available for laundry

NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024-25 - effective 1 October 2024, confirms  01_021_0120_1_1 Linen Service support item.

Currently Laundry Lady advice from the NDIA is:

Laundry Lady services are claimable under Household Tasks registrations group, under item number: 01_021_0120_1_1 – Linen Service. NDIS participants must have this item number listed in their plan to claim payment for Laundry Lady invoices under NDIS. 

An NDIS service agreement is required for all Agency and Plan Managed participants and must be completed before the first service can commence.

Self Managed participants pay for services upfront and are responsible for claiming reimbursement directly from the NDIS. No service agreement is required for Self Managed participants.

Plan Managed participant invoices are sent to the nominated Plan Manager for payment on the participants behalf.

Agency Managed participant invoices are submitted by Laundry Lady to the NDIA for payment on the participants behalf.