Gift vouchers & Discount codes

Laundry Lady offers Gift Vouchers for people to purchase for themselves or as a gift for family members, neighbours etc.

When processing these, the customer should be invoiced as per normal. The customer can then enter the code on the voucher at the checkout when paying for the invoice.

Gift voucher payment processing:

  • Invoice customer as per normal
  • Customer can enter voucher code.

See more on the benefits of Discount Codes and why we use them, below.

The average customer spends $2,500 per year on Laundry Lady services. Discount codes are a great way to get a new customer to try Laundry Lady. If they have a great experience, they may turn into a regular customer.

The Benefits of Discount Codes:

  • Attracts new customers: Discounts can incentivise new customers to try out Laundry Lady services, especially if they perceive a good deal.
  • Generates word-of-mouth marketing: Satisfied customers who benefit from discounts are likely to spread positive word-of-mouth, attracting more potential customers.
  • Competitive advantage: Offering discounts can help differentiate us from competitors, especially if they're not providing similar deals.
  • Promotes brand awareness: Discounts can increase visibility for the Laundry Lady brand as more people take advantage of the offer. Usually, there is a reciprocation, such as e-newsletter inclusions and other marketing opportunities.
  • Encourages impulse purchases: Lower prices can spur impulse buys, leading customers to purchase services they may not have considered otherwise.
  • Supports marketing campaigns: Discounts can be integrated into marketing campaigns to drive specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or following social media accounts.

What about the discount 'cost'?

Laundry Lady spends a significant amount of money on advertising/marketing, this includes the ability to use special codes (which change throughout the year and via location) and reach large audiences. We (Head Office) contribute to the cost of marketing, and this cost is absorbed in the service fee.

Who gets discounts?

Discounts are for new customers, with the goal of positive word-of-mouth, and turning them into a regular customer. Recent examples include: Beauty Expo attendees, Commonwealth Bank employees, social media influencers' followers, and more.

How will I know what discount codes are available?

The customer will advise you of any code they may have. We don't always communicate new codes to Laundry Ladies and Lads due to the changing/seasonal nature of these codes. They are also used for marketing purposes, so we can track trends in various areas.

Can I offer a customer a discount?

In your Starter Kit, you will have some 'first service free' flyers offering a $60 discount. This is a great tool to get new customers.

If you have any other enquiries related to gift voucher or discount codes, you can submit us a Support ticket via the Contractor Support Form.

Invoicing tip

You can quickly access the invoice and apply a discount code, Gift voucher, and card payments.