When and how you will receive your payments

Commission Reports are sent weekly on Tuesday.

The commission report will show all payments received in the week prior Monday to Sunday midnight. If your customer has paid during that period it will be included in the report. 

Your commission Payment will be paid within 7 days of the Commission Report Date.

The day of the week that you receive your weekly payment may vary from week to week. Public holidays may also impact when you will receive your commission payment.

We always advise contractors to expect their payments on either Monday or Tuesday following the commission report. If you haven’t received your payment by Tuesday, please reach out to us immediately so we can investigate and resolve any issues.

How to view your commission statements


How to view your bank account details

Commission Payment FAQs

I posted to the Facebook Group to see if others have received commission payments as I haven't received mine yet. Why was my post removed?

As per the rules of our Facebook page, comments about commissions, payments, invoices etc should only be submitted via the Support form. This will ensure that accurate information is provided.

Commission information is confidential at risk of fraudulent and hacking when posted via Facebook.

I have a question about commission payment days?

Please keep in mind that if you regularly receive your commission payment on a certain day, this is still subject to change due to the varying circumstances of the merchant.

If you haven't received your payment by Tuesday following your Commission Report date, please reach out to support.