What do you do if receive a complaint from a customer?

Complaints and feedback from customers must be welcomed, acknowledged, respected and well-managed.

If a complaint is made directly to you, you must email Head Office within 48 hours with details of the complaint including:

  • Name of Customer
  • Date of Service
  • Date of complaint
  • Type of complaint
  • Details about the complaint
  • Action taken so far to resolve the complaint
  • Additional information about the service
  • Provide photos or copy of correspondence where possible

If Head Office receives a complaint from a customer, the customer will be required to send through the following information within 7 days:

  • Customer name
  • Date of service
  • Details about the complaint
  • Photographic evidence (where possible)

Head Office will email the customer to confirm that the complaint is being investigated. Head Office will contact the contractor to confirm information about the service and any additional details. Head Office will then help to find a reasonable outcome to resolve the complaint.

Ways to resolve complaints might include:

  • The contractor conducting the service again within 7 days at no cost to the customer (eg washing the items again, or ironing the items again where there is a quality issue)
  • Refunding the part of the service that was not conducted correctly (this is part of the Terms and Conditions that the customer agreed to at the time of the booking).
  • Moving future service bookings to another contractor for future services.
  • The contractor receiving additional training to improve their service offering.
  • In serious cases or repeat cases the contractor’s contract with The Laundry Lady may be cancelled.